Monday, January 23, 2012

Ti West Double Feature/Potluck Extravaganza!

Ooooooh. You're in for a TREAT! But not just one treat. Two? Nay. Three then? YES. Three treats.

Fear With Us at Screenland Crossroads on Friday, February 3, at 7:00pm, as we start our evening with a potluck dinner before we watch a Ti West double feature.

The potluck pretty much speaks for itself, bring a dish, eat 'til you can't, but you may ask, "Who in the severed head of Daniel Pearl is Ti West?" I'd be happy to tell you.

First, there was this...

And it was goooooood.

Well to be fair there were a couple before that, but that's what we'll be starting with. A delightfully dark nod to the slasher films of the 1980's. Horror Club saw this once before, but we think it merits another look. It was surprisingly good. We'll start it after the potluck, at 8:00. Here's the trailer...

After that, comes this.....

At 10:00, we'll be seeing West's latest film. Apparently, it's a ghost story about a couple of Inkeepers. Perhaps the Trailer can tell us more...

And that's gonna be our Friday night!!

The fun starts at 7:00, though you should arrive a bit early if you're bringing food. The meal is free, and the movies are just $10 for both! Adult beverages can be purchased in the lobby, which will help when protecting your sweetie from them bad ol' ghosts.

Please don't forget to RSVP at the Facebook event page!


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